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The Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases Outbreak, Natural Disaster, and Refugee Management (ACTION) is a yearly sub-regional training in the Asia-Pacific region that trains medical students on disaster risk reduction and emergency management. It is a training unique to the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) and the Asia-Pacific region, offering interested medical students an opportunity to converge in a host country and focus on SCORP's key topics of disasters and vulnerable populations. 


Held in Thailand in October this year, participants attended training sessions, keynote lectures, and field trips relevant to Thai disaster medicine facilities for a hands-on experience in learning the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent, reduce, relieve and rehabilitate disaster victims. Alongside learning, participants also enjoyed travelling around Thailand and forming friendships with medical students from other countries.

Participant testimonials

ACTION 2022 was an excellent opportunity to learn about disaster medicine. It is a topic that is not part of our curriculum so it makes ACTION very meaningful to medical students in Hong Kong. Despite learning about medicine, ACTION also provides us the chance to travel. It was my first time traveling abroad since the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an exciting experience to meet and learn from other medical students across the Asian Pacific regions.

Matthew Kong (HKU M26)

It was my great pleasure to represent AMSAHK in this year's ACTION, during which I learned a lot about medical students' roles in disaster risk reduction, emergency management, and humanitarian action. In addition to having many interactive workshops, we also had the opportunity to visit Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center and practice our skills through disaster simulations. Moreover, I also met a lot of outstanding medical students from all over the world, and we had so much fun together at cultural events, like trying out Yaowarat's street foods, taking a boat cruise on Chao Phraya River, and experiencing Bangkok's nightlife.

- Brian Xie (HKU M27)

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